
The following are the areas of doctrine covered in our statement of faith and present a good explanation of what we believe.  Please click the "READ MORE" buttons below each section to find our complete statement of faith for each topic listed.

Concerning the Holy Scriptures

We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, complete as the revelation of God’s will for salvation, and the supreme and final authority in all matters to which they speak.

Concerning God

We believe in one God, Creator and Sustainer of all things, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit; that these are equal and perfect in every divine attribute and that they execute distinct and harmonious offices in the work of creation, providence and redemption.

Concerning Satan and Angels

The angels were all created by God as a great host of sinless spirit-beings, most of whom kept their first estate of holiness and presently worship God and serve His purposes.

Concerning Man

We believe God created humanity, male and female, in the image of God and free from sin. As a result of the fall, we further believe all persons are sinners by nature and choice and are, therefore, spiritually dead.

Concerning Salvation

Concerning the Church

We believe in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This salvation is based upon the sovereign grace of God, and was purchased by Christ on the cross, and is received through faith apart from any human merit, works, or ritual.
We believe that the Church is the spiritual body of which Christ is the head and is composed of all persons who possess saving faith in Jesus Christ and have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This body expresses itself in local churches comprised of believers in Christ.

Concerning Last Things

We believe that Jesus Christ will personally come again in power and glory to receive His Church to Himself and to establish His millennial kingdom. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the saved and lost, and that Jesus Christ will judge both the living and the dead. We believe that the saved will live with Christ eternally in heaven while the lost will be condemned to eternal punishment in hell.


Lakewood Bible Chapel desires to faithfully and accurately proclaim the truths of God’s Word so that His people will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.